I (Tom Keske), born 1951 in Chardon, Ohio,  have been a telecommunications software engineer for over 40 years,
 B.S.(with honors) in Computer Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, `74.  I worked for the Census

Bureau in Washington D.C, as "survey statistician/programmer", maintaining telecommunications and
disk storage systems, from 1974-1979, then relocated to Boston area.   In a relationship with partner Daniel
since 1972, officially married since 2004.


I enjoy chess (was once the Akron, Ohio Jr. chess champion) and the Chinese/Japanese/Korean game of "Go".


In the area of gay activism, I had gone on a 2-week hunger strike in front of the Massachusetts State House
in the 1980s when a gay civil rights bill was stalled in committee and appeared to be dead-ending, there. 

The bill was released from committee, shortly thereafter, and did pass in that year as a historical milestone

for legal equity in job and housing discrimination..   I also engaged in various civil disobedience actions in

Atlanta,Georgia, Washington, D.C,  and Raleigh, N. Carolina, in protests against government homophobia

and particularly the Bowers-vs-Hardwick Supreme Court decision which had at the time given legal blessing

to anti-gay criminalization.


I write surrealist poetry as a means of self-expression to vent the frustrations of living under oppressive
world conditions.


I have had a "Dilbert" sort of life mixed with some high intrigue on the side, mostly relating to the sorts of issues
that you read here, which if nothing else has kept the adventure from becoming too mundane.  I sometimes
say, "My life is not about me."  It is more about the issues that I try to bring to your attention.


email:    tkeske@comcast.net  
(suggest putting 'subscribe keske' in the subject line of first email, to avoid spam filter,

   then I could add to "known senders" mail rule for any further communication)